Training course v Portugalsku "European Taverna"

27.02.2015 09:00



BzzGroup má ďalší potvrdený Training Course, v Portugalsko. Ak máte záujem sa zúčastniť, napíšte nám najneskôr DO 5. januára 2015: (do predmetu uveďte názov projektu: "European Taverna") a pripojte VYPLNENÚ PRIHLÁŠKU, ktorú si stiahnete na našich stránkach:

Vybraných účastníkov kontaktujeme do 5 dní po deadline podania prihlášky a podáme im bližšie informácie a zašleme im dotazník na vyplnenie potrebný pre účasť na projekte. Ostatní budú automaticky náhradníci v prípade, ak niekto účasť zruší.

KDE: Rio Maior, Portugalsko

KEDY: 8 dní niekedy medzi 27.2. a 8.3.2015 (presné dátume ešte špecifikujeme neskôr)

POČET ÚČATNÍKOV: 2 z každej krajiny


PARTNERSKÉ KRAJINY: Portugalsko, Slovensko, Malta, Ukrajina, Maďarsko, Fínsko, Gruzínsko, Estónsko, Izrael, Rumunsko, Španielsko, Cyprus, Taliansko.

Ubytovanie, strava, program a aktivity budú zabezpečené portugalskou organizáciou.
Účastníkom by sa mali spätne preplatiť cestovné náklady (mimo transportu súkromným autom a taxíkom). Výška preplatenej čiastky záleží na vypočítanej dojazdnej vzdialenosti a použití vhodných cestovných prostriedkov.
Ďalším poplatkom je 10€ našej skupine za sprostredkovanie plus účasť na zabezpečení reprezentačných materiálov a potrebných vecí na medzinárodný večer.

Na projekte sa stretnú ľudia z rôznych organizácií z rôznych krajín, ktorí počas spolu strávených dní budú spolupracovať na rozličných workshop-och, debatách, cvičeniach a ďalších aktivitách (team building activities). Navzájom sa obohatia o vlastné zážitky a skúsenosti a spoznajú nových priateľov.

Hlavnými cieľmi a témou kurzu sú:
Rural areas are full of traditions, culture and rich nature which are not valued enough by inhabitants who live there. Young people just leave from the villages and farms and moving to big cities with hopes to have a better lifestyle there. They believe that they will be employed there easier and faster nevertheless, this will not happen easily with everyone. Meanwhile the villages become abandoned, lost their culture and traditions, and young people even don’t recognise what they lost. So one of the biggest tasks is nowadays for youth organisations to support rural youth, young people have to fight for their cultural values of their villages, preserve and even renew the traditions, protect the natural heritages and initiate small entrepreneurships to do that and through these, employ people in rural areas in the sake of better lifestyle and keep rural area as valued as possible.
Young people have to recognise the values of culture, traditions and nature what their villages have and learn how to renew and promote it. Youth workers, youth leaders from rural areas through youth organisations can give support them nevertheless, they have to have methods and tools how they can do that. This is the reason what we would like to run this training course. Share, explore, provide methods and tools for rural youth workers to recognise and make their cultural values and nature attractive for young people and support them to renew it, start small entrepreneurship in youth sector and employ friends from rural areas.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
- To share ideas how to preserve and protect traditions, culture and nature in rural areas and initiate entrepreneurship to renew it by youth work activities;
- To invent new tools for developing the youth sector in related with traditions, culture, environment protection through entrepreneurship;
- To explore methods and activities on motivating and encouraging young people to stay in the villages and fight against unemployment in rural areas;
- To experience a best practice for rural development through youth entrepreneurship by implementing European Taverna in a local festival;
- To find partners for future projects according to the proposals of Erasmus + programme in regarding to entrepreneurship and employability through preserving, protecting and renewing culture, tradition and nature of rural areas.

The project will be based on the methodology of non – formal education with special focus on experiential learning. Youthpass will be presented and provide space and time for participants for the self – assessment and create appropriate dialogue space in order to get and give feedback for their own and each others’ learning process. The planned methods: individual work, pair work, small mixed and national group work, theory putting into practice, real life practice, montage, role play, etc.
Theoretical parts:
- European Youth Strategy “Investing and empowering young people” with special focus on fields of actions as culture and creativity, and entrepreneurship and employability;
- Youth policy backgrounds as Study on youth access to Culture in the EU – what EU countries are doing to improve young people's access to culture and the obstacles to their access and involvement and Council Conclusion on creative and innovative potential of young people;
- Europe 2020 growth and job strategy; Youth Opportunities Initiatives; Youth Guarantee and the “Your First EURES” job scheme; Youth Employment Package; European Alliance for Apprenticeship; Youth Employment Initiatives; Quality framework for traineeship; Joint European Commission – OECD policy briefing on youth entrepreneurship;
- Project management of Erasmus + programme with special focus on KA1 Mobility projects of young people and youth workers e.g. EVS, youth exchange and youth workers’ mobility.
Practical parts:
- Youth work activities in order to preserve and protect traditions, culture and nature in rural areas and initiate entrepreneurship to renew it;
- New tools for developing the youth sector in related with traditions, culture, environment protection through entrepreneurship;
- Methods and activities on motivating and encouraging young people to stay in the villages and fight against unemployment in rural areas;
- Best practice for rural development through youth entrepreneurship by implementing European Taverna in a local festival;
- Invent new youth projects on traditions and nature through entrepreneurship and employability according to the proposals of Erasmus + programme.

Preparation request from partners and participants:
This project is carried out at the same time when  in the region an importante rural fair " Tasquinhas (taverna) Fair" is taking place. That will be a practical example of the social economy of the local region, and that also fits into the theme of the training. This fair is held by NGOs from the region, based on a voluntary work. This fair is the most important and known event in the region with approximately 50,000 visitors. This is where organizations can raise funds for their activities! During the training , the activities will be at the show in which we can participate during the TC. Portuguese group with the participants of TC plans to have there a tasquinha(Taverna) with restaurant and bar run by the voluntaries, and we count on the cooperation of the participants. So all participants should take part in this tavern, restaurant, bar etc... Meanwhile the participants have to provide some traditional activities for locals as singing traditional songs, dancing traditional dances, playing traditional games with the local visitors. They will also have an opportunity to give information on their local traditions and products and make it popular among Portuguese people. Something simple to cook or not so challenging, and that can be easy to find here the ingredients to cook the traditional meals. The meals have to identify your country and culture and later on it will be sold to the visitors of the fair. This is the reason why the participants in this training should be responsible people, because there is going to be a lot of fun but also work and intercultural learning!
Besides that we would ask that each organization bring us practical example of the development of the 3rd sector of the economy in your region.

V prípade záujmu o účasť alebo o bližšie informácie nás kontaktujte a ak sa chcete zúčastniť, nezabudnite najneskôr do 05/01/2015 poslať na „ „ vyplnenú prihlášku, ktorú nájdete na adrese:

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