Bulharsko - výmena „Green prevention of unemployment“

21.04.2012 06:00





The main theme of the „Green prevention of unemployment” project is the introduction and discussion of the possibilities for personal realization of young people from 7 European countries in the ecological tourist services field. Through practical activities, such as mountain hiking and rock climbing, the youth will exchange experience and information. They will receive qualitatively and quantitatively new knowledge on the topics of: low people’s awareness of the rules in protected nature reserves and territories; limited knowledge about endangered species; and creation of ‘green’ consciousness. The project is a multilateral exchange, including 35 young people from 7 countries, from each of the following countries: Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Italy and Malta.

The exchange duration is one week and it will take place at the end of April 2012 in Panichishte, Bulgaria. The basic subjects of the discussion will be: safety of environment, mountain tourism, orientation, knowledge on biodiversity, first aid. The training part of the program will be lead by experienced mountain guides and will be based on the principals of informal education and active participation of youth in outdoor activities and sport.

This programme has been accomplished by the financial support of the European Commission programme “Youth in action” administrated in Bulgaria by National Center on Initiatives and programs of European young people.



BzzGroup má účasť na kultúrnej výmene mladých v Bulharsku, s názvom „Green prevention of unemployment“, ktorý bol schválený a bude sa konať v apríli 2012.

KDE: Rila mountain / Sofia, Bulharsko
KEDY: 21. apríl - 28. apríl 2012
POČET účastníkov: 5 (4 + 1 leader)
VEK: 18 – 25 rokov

Ubytovanie, strava, program a aktivity budú zabezpečené a zaplatené bulharskou organizáciou.
Účastníci zaplatia cca 30% z ich cestovných nákladov (70% by sa malo následne vrátiť od bulharskej skupiny).
Ďalším poplatkom je 10€ za sprostredkovanie našej skupine BzzGroup a spoluúčasť pri zabezpečovaní reprezentačných materiálov a darčekov pre účastníkov projektu a národný večer.

Dorozumievací jazyk: anglický

Stručný popis aktivít:
The basic subjects of the discussion will be: safety of environment, mountain tourism, orientation, knowledge on biodiversity, first aid. The training part of the program will be lead by experienced mountain guides and will be based on the principals of informal education and active participation of youth in outdoor activities and sport.

Aktivity budú v horskom prostredí, takže je potrebné sa na to pripraviť:)